Occasionally in my wanderings, I will meet not just tattooed people, but tattoo practitioners, and often those visiting from outside of New York City.
So it was no surprise, when I approached a gentleman across the street from where I work, at 31st and 7th, to learn that I was talking to an artist.
Working out of Punkteur Tattoos & Piercing in Joplin, Missouri, Derek "Dirtbird" Wieberg estimates he has 130-150 hours of work inked on his personal canvas.
With so much to choose from, he offered up this piece, on the right side of his neck:
It seemed fitting, considering his name.
Dirtbird praised the artist, Rick Pierceall at Karma Tattoo in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who has done all of his throat work.
Considering it is Two-for-Tattoosday, I'll share this photo as well:
That's not Dirtbird, but it's his handiwork! The owner of this tattoo is Shawn, who had the good fortune to be inked by Dirtbird. They collaborated on the design together.
Thanks to Dirt Bird and Shawn for sharing their tattoos with us here on Tattoosday!
Tune in tomorrow to see a tattoo from Katie, aka Mrs. Dirtbird!
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010
Sexy Girl Tattoo
1. What kind of design? A sexy girl tattoo should be something erotic, exotic, and even a little dangerous looking. What you should not get is something "cute", like a rose or some common type of girl tattoo. The design that stands out is going to be strong and sexy. You can still bring femininity into your tattoo by adding other elements around it. For instance a dragon tattoo on a female can be very sexy, while you can then add in surrounding stars or small flowers to accentuate feminine qualities, while remaining sexy and dangerous.
3. How large? Generally sexy female tattoo's tend to be bigger, which contributes to their strong, stand out look. Again, a small tattoo tends to be more "cute" than sexy. Whereas a larger tattoo stands out and can be much more elaborate, sexy and "dangerous looking". It need not be a large mural filling up your whole back, but an above average sized tattoo tends to be the sexiest.
I've discovered an amazing assortment of sexy and dangerous tattoo's which you can use for free. See http://tattoo-book.info Here you can search through hundreds of one of a kind, unique designs. Check out http://tattoo-book.info and thanks for reading.
Dragon Tattoos
Dragons have been forged into an art that has flourished into thousands of dragon tattoo designs. They have appeared on the arms of men and has embellished the backs of many as a full cover tattoo. Women has also fancied the dragon tattoos as well, tattooing their bodies with tribal dragons, fantasy and cute dragon tattoos, like those depicted in fairy-tales. The symbol of the mighty and powerful beast has been a part of the tattooing designs for decades and it still continues today.
Dragons are mythical creatures of past folklore and legends. They have had a part in stories of fairy-tales, movies and books throughout our history. The myth of dragons believed they once roamed this vast world and many legends can be discovered throughout many cultures. Each culture having their own knowledge about them and are commonly known as being fierce, powerful and mighty. But dragons can also be revered as being respectable and that of good nature. As with some cultures, they are regarded as being a symbolic representation for good luck and good fortune.
Because of the widespread of dragon fables and the symbolic representation that they carry, numerous people have decided to get tattoos of dragons. In many civilizations dragon tattoos have been a part of their body-art designs for ages. Adorning their skin with the mighty image of a dragon, the dragon tattoos have grown in popularity very much in the same fashion the legends have spread.
The designs are very popular among men but women are just as fascinated and captivated by the designs just as much. The dragon designs are overwhelming and have many styles and ways of being interpreted onto the skin. Tattoo designs of fantasy dragons, Japanese, Chinese, Celtic and many others have bought to life, this magnificent creature of our past. Many people have tattooed the image for the symbolic meanings behind them and some, for its pure majestic looks.
Dragon tattoo designs have become so popular it is sometimes considered as the first tattoo to get by most men. The tattoo of dragons seem to have a positive and negative side to them. They can be symbolize as strength and power and at the same time be considered mischievous and destructive. Regardless dragon tattoos are a favorite design many people choose to consider.
Dragons are mythical creatures of past folklore and legends. They have had a part in stories of fairy-tales, movies and books throughout our history. The myth of dragons believed they once roamed this vast world and many legends can be discovered throughout many cultures. Each culture having their own knowledge about them and are commonly known as being fierce, powerful and mighty. But dragons can also be revered as being respectable and that of good nature. As with some cultures, they are regarded as being a symbolic representation for good luck and good fortune.
Because of the widespread of dragon fables and the symbolic representation that they carry, numerous people have decided to get tattoos of dragons. In many civilizations dragon tattoos have been a part of their body-art designs for ages. Adorning their skin with the mighty image of a dragon, the dragon tattoos have grown in popularity very much in the same fashion the legends have spread.
The designs are very popular among men but women are just as fascinated and captivated by the designs just as much. The dragon designs are overwhelming and have many styles and ways of being interpreted onto the skin. Tattoo designs of fantasy dragons, Japanese, Chinese, Celtic and many others have bought to life, this magnificent creature of our past. Many people have tattooed the image for the symbolic meanings behind them and some, for its pure majestic looks.
Dragon tattoo designs have become so popular it is sometimes considered as the first tattoo to get by most men. The tattoo of dragons seem to have a positive and negative side to them. They can be symbolize as strength and power and at the same time be considered mischievous and destructive. Regardless dragon tattoos are a favorite design many people choose to consider.
If you'd like some ideas for a tattoo of your own. Feel free to take a look at some pictures of dragon tattoos to procure some thoughts and get your imagination flowing. Good luck in discovering your new tattoo design.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Naipua_Allen
Sexy Hot Tribal Tattoos
The rib and foot area are the two most painful parts of the body to get tattooed yet they are still the top picks of women nowadays when it comes to tattoo locations. They seem to be the new replacement for lower back tattoos especially because of the fact that that area has been labeled as a "tramp stamp".
Megan Star is the most popular sexy celebrity to have tattoos on the rib. She has a textual theme with with the phrase "there was once a girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart" written down on her rib cage. A lot of women seem to be following her lead as phrases, verses and quotations inked on the ribs seem to be becoming the new trend nowadays. Since the rib cage is a big canvas to work on, there is ample space enough to accommodate larger tattoo theme like these. Other popular designs for rib tattoos for girls and women are flowers such as cherry blossom, lotus and lilies.
Foot tattoos was once an unpopular choice when it comes to tattoo locations because of the risks involved. For one, there are a lot of nerve endings on these area and there are less tissues to cushion the skin during the tattooing process. Nowadays, this does not seem to matter anymore as a lot of professional tattoo artists are able to adjust to this conditions considering the high demand for this type of tat theme. Women love wearing sexy footwear such as stilettos and sandals and what better way to accentuate this by sporting a decorated foot with designs such as flowers, butterflies, stars and zodiac symbols.
For more designs and ideas for your Rib and Foot Tattoos, check out the Best Tattoo Gallery online.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Brat
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Ride the Cyclone!
In college we had a game room at the Student Union.
I claimed to be a master at Arkanoid, but would occasionally play pinball. Earthshaker was fun, but there was another, carnival-themed game that would often beckon, "Ride the Cyclone!" It was, naturally, called The Cyclone.
Fast forward ten years and I would be residing in Brooklyn, home to Coney Island and the original Cyclone.
Despite having been in close proximity a number of times, I've never gone for a ride.
I was reminded of this back in September when I met Matt at the top of the escalator at the Penn Plaza Borders store.
He shared this amazing tattoo:
This is, of course, the Cyclone.
Matt is working on a Coney Island/"Carnie" theme, having lived in Brooklyn most of his adult life. Thus, the Astroland tower behind the Cyclone in the tattoo. Next up: the Wonder Wheel and the Parachute Jump, other Coney Island attractions.
He sent along a photo of the tattoo when it was initially finished:
Matt credits this tattoo to Ping at Village Rock Tattoo in Manhattan.
Thanks to Matt for sharing this great tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
I claimed to be a master at Arkanoid, but would occasionally play pinball. Earthshaker was fun, but there was another, carnival-themed game that would often beckon, "Ride the Cyclone!" It was, naturally, called The Cyclone.
Fast forward ten years and I would be residing in Brooklyn, home to Coney Island and the original Cyclone.
Despite having been in close proximity a number of times, I've never gone for a ride.
I was reminded of this back in September when I met Matt at the top of the escalator at the Penn Plaza Borders store.
He shared this amazing tattoo:
This is, of course, the Cyclone.
Matt is working on a Coney Island/"Carnie" theme, having lived in Brooklyn most of his adult life. Thus, the Astroland tower behind the Cyclone in the tattoo. Next up: the Wonder Wheel and the Parachute Jump, other Coney Island attractions.
He sent along a photo of the tattoo when it was initially finished:
Matt credits this tattoo to Ping at Village Rock Tattoo in Manhattan.
Thanks to Matt for sharing this great tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Japanese Tattoo Designs
When a country has conjured-up one of the most amazing styles of body art around, how on earth can it be so idiotic as to ban it? This is a question that tattoo enthusiasts have been deliberating over for a number of decades now, but luckily for us, this style has broken out of the Far East and has made it to our shores.
Japanese tattoo designs really do make for some of the most impressive pieces of body art you are ever likely to see; Fact! The use of color and black and grey shading will grab anyone's attention and as this style is so versatile, it will look great when applied to any part of the body.
Japanese tattoo designs really do make for some of the most impressive pieces of body art you are ever likely to see; Fact! The use of color and black and grey shading will grab anyone's attention and as this style is so versatile, it will look great when applied to any part of the body.
One of the main central themes is dragons. These legendary beasts always include very detailed work: literally down to the last scale on the dragon's body. The dragons will often be colored with very vibrant shades which will then be surrounded by plenty of panelling or swirls. A black background helps to make the central feature stand out.
Other popular features include Geisha girls and coy fish. Coy fish look especially great as a forearm piece and are even more effective when surrounded by Japanese wave patterns. Include some water lilies within this design and you will have a fashionable and awesome Japanese piece to treasure.
Traditionally, before the style of tattooing was banned in Japan, body art was often taken to the extreme of a complete body suit. As it is becoming more and more acceptable to get heavily tattooed today, many people turn to these styles for extensive work.
Japanese designs are very masculine in appearance and usually make for the best larger pieces. They can be found as smaller designs and always look better on men. If you are looking for a feminine piece, it is usually a good idea to dispense with the extensive background panelling.
Other popular features include Geisha girls and coy fish. Coy fish look especially great as a forearm piece and are even more effective when surrounded by Japanese wave patterns. Include some water lilies within this design and you will have a fashionable and awesome Japanese piece to treasure.
Traditionally, before the style of tattooing was banned in Japan, body art was often taken to the extreme of a complete body suit. As it is becoming more and more acceptable to get heavily tattooed today, many people turn to these styles for extensive work.
Japanese designs are very masculine in appearance and usually make for the best larger pieces. They can be found as smaller designs and always look better on men. If you are looking for a feminine piece, it is usually a good idea to dispense with the extensive background panelling.
John Clifford has now made it easy for you to find your own tattoo. You'll find the best Japanese designs on his website.
I suggest you browse through the plethora of designs that are available on this site and conjure up a tattoo that will be the very best for you- http://www.uniquetattooflash.com/
I suggest you browse through the plethora of designs that are available on this site and conjure up a tattoo that will be the very best for you- http://www.uniquetattooflash.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_S_Clifford
Japanese Dragon Tattoos - Tips for Finding the Perfect Japanese Dragon Tattoo
Don't get Japanese Dragon Tattoos until you read this. After reading this short article, you will be more well informed and able to make a better choice when selecting your Design.
Let's begin. The dragon has long been an important symbol in Japanese mythology. The Japanese dragon is a fascinating creature with the head of a camel, eyes of a hare, horns of a deer, scales of a carp, paws of a tiger, and claws of an eagle. Additionally, Japanese dragons also commonly have long whiskers and a jewel under its chin.
Let's begin. The dragon has long been an important symbol in Japanese mythology. The Japanese dragon is a fascinating creature with the head of a camel, eyes of a hare, horns of a deer, scales of a carp, paws of a tiger, and claws of an eagle. Additionally, Japanese dragons also commonly have long whiskers and a jewel under its chin.
Many people are attracted to the allure of these mystical creatures, but few people truly know what they symbolize. Japanese dragons, like their Chinese counterparts, are distinct from Western dragons. Whereas in Western culture they are depicted as evil and malevolent, dragons in Japanese Mythology are viewed as guardians of the imperial families. For this reason, many people chose the Japanese dragon to serve as a guardian and protector. In Japan, a dragon is normally called "Ryu" (You might recall Ryu from Street Fighter). These mythical beasts command a high level of respect since it is believed that the first emperor of Japan was descended from a dragon. In Japan, these creatures are also viewed as gods of lighting and thunder.
Popular locations for Japanese dragon tattoos include full back and upper arm designs. For upper arm designs, the dragon typically wraps around the arm, with the head extending onto the chest or back region. This however should not limit your decision on where to place this tattoo. The style and location of your design should be personal and unique, as these factors will ultimately determine the meaning of your tattoo.
If you're looking for really cool Japanese dragon tattoos, I highly recommend you check out the internet's largest tattoo gallery at www.chopper-tattoos.net
Popular locations for Japanese dragon tattoos include full back and upper arm designs. For upper arm designs, the dragon typically wraps around the arm, with the head extending onto the chest or back region. This however should not limit your decision on where to place this tattoo. The style and location of your design should be personal and unique, as these factors will ultimately determine the meaning of your tattoo.
If you're looking for really cool Japanese dragon tattoos, I highly recommend you check out the internet's largest tattoo gallery at www.chopper-tattoos.net
Webmasters: You may reprint or distribute this article as long as you leave the content, links and resource box intact. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_K. |
Something Girly This Way Comes
I met Nadya one afternoon in the beginning of October in Borders on Penn Plaza.
She shared this tattoo, which covered up a date she had initially inscribed on her arm:
Nadya told me that she wanted something "girly".
What I found most interesting about this tattoo is that when I asked her who the artist was, she told me it was her father. I can't imagine tattooing my own daughter. I would be too nervous!
Thanks to Nadya for sharing this tattoo with us here on Tattoosday.
She shared this tattoo, which covered up a date she had initially inscribed on her arm:
Nadya told me that she wanted something "girly".
What I found most interesting about this tattoo is that when I asked her who the artist was, she told me it was her father. I can't imagine tattooing my own daughter. I would be too nervous!
Thanks to Nadya for sharing this tattoo with us here on Tattoosday.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
In honor of the holiday, I am sharing this, my newest tattoo, located above my knee on my right thigh:
This was done at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn yesterday as part of the shop's $75 Thanksgiving Tattoo Special and was sponsored by Troll Skin, produced by Skin Actives Scientific.
For those of you just tuning in, check the pre-post here, which includes all the Thanksgiving flash designed for the occasion. I asked readers to vote on which tattoo to get, and this one sneaked out a narrow victory over the traditional Native American profile.
I like this design because it combines a lot of traditional tattoo elements and delivers an image with a sociopolitical subtext. We have the traditional American flag and handshake designs, but the added element of crossed fingers serves as a reminder that, despite apparent good intentions, there was subsequently a historical betrayal of that initial good will.
But that's just one perspective, of course, and the Thanksgiving holiday focuses on the positive in our society. The mere existence of the tattoo reminds me to be thankful, which I alluded to in my original post.
I was fortunate enough to have Brian Faulk as my artist again. He had inked my Friday the 13th tattoo last August, and I appreciate that he works quickly and concisely.
It was nice, also, that this design was one of his contributions to the flash sheet, as he was kind enough to embellish slightly on the original design, and it always seems better when an artist is tattooing his or her own design. As for the idea behind it, he was trying to represent graphically a broken treaty. I'm extremely pleased with the end result.
In consideration for their sponsoring this tattoo, I will be exclusively using Skin Active's product, Troll Skin Aftercare over the next two weeks as the tattoo heals. I can already say I am pleased with the aftercare cream because it is a lot less messy than the ointment I am used to using within the first 72 hours after getting a tattoo.
I'll report back then on how their product held up compared to the regiment I've followed in the past.
I want to thank all of the readers who voted for designs, and for everyone who reads and supports the site.
And thanks again to Skin Actives for helping make this tattoo possible, to Brian at Hand of Glory, and to my family, at home in Brooklyn and across the U.S., for their support
This was done at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn yesterday as part of the shop's $75 Thanksgiving Tattoo Special and was sponsored by Troll Skin, produced by Skin Actives Scientific.
For those of you just tuning in, check the pre-post here, which includes all the Thanksgiving flash designed for the occasion. I asked readers to vote on which tattoo to get, and this one sneaked out a narrow victory over the traditional Native American profile.
I like this design because it combines a lot of traditional tattoo elements and delivers an image with a sociopolitical subtext. We have the traditional American flag and handshake designs, but the added element of crossed fingers serves as a reminder that, despite apparent good intentions, there was subsequently a historical betrayal of that initial good will.
But that's just one perspective, of course, and the Thanksgiving holiday focuses on the positive in our society. The mere existence of the tattoo reminds me to be thankful, which I alluded to in my original post.
I was fortunate enough to have Brian Faulk as my artist again. He had inked my Friday the 13th tattoo last August, and I appreciate that he works quickly and concisely.
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Brian Faulk at Work |
In consideration for their sponsoring this tattoo, I will be exclusively using Skin Active's product, Troll Skin Aftercare over the next two weeks as the tattoo heals. I can already say I am pleased with the aftercare cream because it is a lot less messy than the ointment I am used to using within the first 72 hours after getting a tattoo.
I'll report back then on how their product held up compared to the regiment I've followed in the past.
I want to thank all of the readers who voted for designs, and for everyone who reads and supports the site.
And thanks again to Skin Actives for helping make this tattoo possible, to Brian at Hand of Glory, and to my family, at home in Brooklyn and across the U.S., for their support
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
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